fairy creek

Port Renfrew in the Snow – A Winter Wonderland

Here are some snowy scenes from around Port Renfrew, Fairy Lake, and the San Juan Valley in Pacheedaht territory in February 2025. It’s rare for this much snow to fall and then stick around without melting for a while. The island is a winter wonderland right now!

Fairy Creek Headwaters in the Snow

A gigantic, ancient yellow cedar tree dubbed ‘Titania’ in the unprotected headwaters of Fairy Creek near Port Renfrew. Logging company Teal-Jones is looking to clearcut this forest.

The magical ancient forests of Fairy Creek in the snow. These giant yellow cedars - which can live to be upwards of 2000 years old - are what logging company Teal-Jones is after.

Road construction into the headwaters of this unlogged valley near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory in August 2020 sparked what has now become the longest running blockade movement in BC’s history.

Today the RCMP announced they will be moving in to forcibly remove people who are not only standing up for the protection of Fairy Creek but all of BC’s endangered old-growth forests.

Premier John Horgan and the BC NDP must stop this escalation of the War in the Woods by deferring logging where their own report says they should (the high productivity and at-risk old-growth); committing significant funding for the sustainable economic development of First Nations communities as an alternative to old-growth logging; allocating funding to support workers and communities to transition to a value added, second-growth forest industry; and creating a dedicated Natural Lands Acquisition Fund to purchase and protect endangered ecosystems on private lands.

The polarization of this issue as a jobs vs. environment must end for the sake of both the people and our planet.

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