Here are some of the big and beautiful trees we encountered on our recent explorations of the Carmanah Valley.
Leaving the flats, we encountered some amazing cedars on the slopes; a unique sight to see in a valley most famed for its big spruce trees.
The dark shadows of massive trees would loom in the distance, drawing us ever further into the mystery of what might lay ahead.
Crossing over creeks and under fallen logs, we wandered our way into some truly special spots, such as one that looked like perfect place for a picnic with its flat, mossy ground and 8-9 giant Sitkas in a single grove.
The weather was constantly changing as well from sunshine, to hail, to snow, and back to sun. When the sun did shine, it’s soft light would give the moss adorning the tree trunks a magical golden glow.
After ten hours of bushwhacking the first day and eight the next, it was time to head home. As my friend Ian says, this type of exploring invigorates the soul while it exhausts the body. As we hiked out through slushy mud puddles while being pelted by incessant hail, physically destroyed but mentally blissed out, I couldn’t have agreed more.
With its sweeping valley bottoms and rolling slopes protected and intact, Carmanah leaves you wondering what natural wonders are still hidden out there. Only time and further exploration will tell…