In mid-April, I documented the logging of massive trees by Teal-Jones along in the Caycuse watershed on Vancouver Island. Over 70 hectares of old-growth located along Haddon Creek in Ditidaht Territory, including monumental redcedars over 11 feet in diameter, are being cut down. Some of these were places that I had previously visited while they were still standing. On one stump I counted 800 rings before giving up. Some trees here were likely over a thousand years old.
Without question, this is (or was) one of the grandest forests on the South Island, rivalling the renowned Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew or the Walbran Valley, which lies a short distance to the south. In 2020, it's completely unethical to be logging globally rare ancient forests such as these and converting them to ecologically inferior tree plantations.
Read our press release for more details and PLEASE SPEAK UP! Contact your local MLA to express your concerns using this handy look up tool here: You can also send an instant message to a number of BC politicians here:
News coverage: Conservation group cries foul over logging old-growth forest in Caycuse River watershed
Surveying recent old-growth clearcutting. The massive tree behind me is next in line to be logged.